Thursday, May 16, 2013

Let Me Hear You ROAR! Finding Your Inner Strength.

In the summer of 2011, I had a terrible accident that resulted in two broken legs and a dislocated ankle.  For nearly a year, I was bound in some way, bedridden for three-months, wheelchair/walker for five months, and crutches for two months.  It was a very stressful time.  Thankfully, I had a loving support system. 
          While dealing with the healing of my lower extremities, I had another problem- my weight gain and lack of activity.  I had been on a weight loss program and as noted in my last post, I had begun training to run my first 5k.  In the process of training, I lost a significant amount of weight.  I was very happy with my results because I was losing weight and beginning to live the active lifestyle I desired, so I planned to continue to move toward a weight-loss goal.  Unfortunately, the accident occurred two weeks after crossing the 5k finish line, placing my weight-loss and activity goals on hold.  By the time I was able to stand on both feet again, I had gained all of my weight back, plus interest. A lot of interest.  
 I was devastated.   When I stepped on the scale, I realized that I had to restart my weight loss process with more weight than before.  Additionally, my body was not as strong as before.  I had been in casts for nearly a year.  The couch to 5k training plan was not going to work this time.  Yet, I knew that I had to do something.
I started going to physical therapy to learn to walk again.  I also began researching and implementing home exercises that would help strengthen my legs and ankles to begin running again (water aerobics and exercises greatly aided in my recovery). Finally, I got a personal trainer who helped me out a couple days a week until I could come up with an exercise routine.  When I could no longer afford a personal trainer, I You-Tubed my exercises.  This started moving me in the right direction. 
           I hear people say, “I mustered all the strength I had to take care of [X].”  That mustered strength comes from within.  You know something? We all have it.  We all have the strength to get things done.  The strength to go after the desires of our heart.  I believe God placed that strength inside of us at birth, but somewhere along the way, some of us lose confidence in our abilities, yet gain a belief that we do not possess the strength to get through _______.  That belief could have come from anywhere: our parents, past relationships, society, friends, or other networks.  Regardless of how it arrived, this belief hinders us from believing we are strong and tapping into that inner strength, and in short, giving up pursuing our hopes and desires.
Five years ago, I would not have believed I could have restarted my weight-loss and activity plans.  I would have simply given up and lived with my circumstances.  Some may argue that I was able to restart my plans because of my loving support system.  While that is a fair assessment, many times we have to be our own cheerleader.  There were times when it was just too hard and too exhausting, and all I wanted to do was lay in the bed. Yet, I had to tell myself it would be worth it in the end when I was hiking, running, canoeing, and doing all the activities I wanted to do. I would lay there and envision myself doing all the fun activities. I would look at the walker, crutches, and wheelchair next to my bed, realizing that if I keep going, eventually I would no longer need these items.  That would help me with my “mustering.”  Additionally, when I was done with my sessions, I would pat myself on the on the leg (I did this instead of the back).  Even today, when I finish a good workout, I pat myself on the leg. You are allowed to be and should be your own cheerleader.   
While I have not reached my weight-loss goal yet, my activity level has significantly increased.  Since my restart, I have completed two 5k events, and one of them was an obstacle course. I have also started riding a bike, which I have not done since I was a teenager.  I am signed up to complete another obstacle course in a couple of weeks, and I am going on a hiking trip in the mountains next month.  We all have the strength to move in the direction we desire.  It just takes tapping in. 
See you next time.


  1. Way to go Fran, keep up the good work! Also keep me posted and send me an invite to one of these fitness events you know I'm always down to bust a sweat!

    1. I will definitely let you know. Thanks for reading!

  2. LOVED reading your post! :) Thank you for sharing your story with us!

  3. I'm proud of u and ur accomplishments in life sorry u had to go threw the bad but sometimes it take us goingthrew the bad to make us stronger people I wish u the best of luck in accomplishing everything in life that u want
